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#04: Crazy Tour Stories

One of the most common questions we are asked from friends and family is “what is the craziest question you’ve been asked on a tour?”

Well, friends, you're in for a treat! From touring with no grass to a couple trying to plan a wedding on 4/20 and more - we’ve got some good ones for you to tune into.

The whole point is that things happen, and we still enjoy working with every single one of our clients! Planning should be fun, and it starts at the beginning. Use our guide, free worksheets, and the first series of this podcast (Episodes 1- 4) to get you on your way in an easy-to-understand, organized way. You’ve got this!

From touring with no grass, (read on) to learning WAY too much personal information from clients, tours can be all over the place. It’s our first conversation and official meeting and almost like a “first date” phase between the venue and the couple. From a couple's planning perspective, it can be exciting, nerve-wracking, and hopefully full of great memories.

A question we get from our friends, other professionals, and family members of our couples are “what are some funny/memorable moments that have happened during tours?” PHEW boy do we have some great ones, so we thought this episode could be a fun light-hearted way to wrap up this series.

Three wedding professionals share stories and tips

Quick reminders before you go touring wedding venues

Before we jump into the fun stuff here are a few quick things to remember if you are getting ready to go on tours.

  • Don’t bring too many people with you

  • Be respectful of the space you don’t want to cause any damage and you definitely don’t want to walk into an employee-only areas

  • Just like your granny might have told you - if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. It’s not nice to be rude or criticize. Odds are the person you are talking to either has an emotional connection to the space OR they love their job and would be crushed. There is always room for feedback, I’m a big believer in constant learning and improvement. Being mean just doesn’t convey or help in that scenario.

Okay, so the fun stories! You’ll have to listen in to the episode to get all the details but just in case you’re working and can’t do that yet here is a quick teaser for you…

Camping onsite (tent, on the ground style ya’ll, not glamping)

Once we had a tour that prior to visiting asked if we allowed overnight camping. We don’t - but she said that she still wanted to visit and would look into local accommodations. Well, it quickly became clear that she was hoping to get a tour with someone who would say yes, or that would look away and not notice. It wasn’t until the end of the tour that we put 2 and 2 together and realized that her festivities, questions, and commitment to getting to tent camp all hinged on one specific date…. 4/20.

I mentioned a tour had no grass - so here’s the scoop on that.

When the venue was wrapping up construction our grass has not even been laid yet - so picture a stunning hillside venue overlooking water features and sunsets… with nothing but dirt, essentially a dust bowl if you will. So pretty right? So we met at Panera for a coffee/tea to look over photos and chat about normal tour stuff and then we drove out to the site. This SWEET amazing family could see right past the dusty mess and see our heart vision and commitment to our clients and wanted to book onsite. Not having a driveway yet, and their date being only a month away we asked that they wait until the driveway, and the fire marshal officially gave us the thumbs up. We wanted to avoid them being stressed about any delays. Everything went perfectly with the fire marshal but before I could even let them know or have the sod ordered they showed up with excitement, a save the date, and a check to officially reserve their date.

When they handed it over they told me they had already sent them out so it was happening regardless of whether there was grass or not. Of course, we couldn’t let that happen so we called our family, phoned in some cries for help, and laid more sod than I ever want to again in my life.

On the podcast we covered a few more fun stories - the whole point is that things happen. Planning should be fun, and it starts at the beginning. Use our guide, free worksheets, and the first series of this podcast (Episodes 1-4) to get you on your way in an easy-to-understand, organized way. You’ve got this!



This Episode hosted by JENNA

Get the FREE GUIDE before you tour venues by clicking HERE

Listen in to the podcast Episode #04: Crazy Tour Stories


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